28 October 2008

hella MIA. ;\

So, I know, I've helllla been missing in action. Damn, school and work has been crazy busy but imma get this started again. No more slacking. If anyone even reads this. Haha.

Halloween coming up in 2... 3 days? What's everybody gonna be? I got two costumes. So first off, imma be a lumberjack. Got that set. The second costume... not too sure yet. ;\ But i have been playing with chris's jabbawockee mask. ;] Haha. I hella wanna be Misty from Pokemon but why is it so hard to find red suspenders?!!

Fuck... I'm turning 21!!! Save Dec 18, 19 and 20th for me. Hahah.. iono what day yet so just save all three days for me. Please and thank you.

Christmas/Birthday list!
(haha. so i thought i start early and let you guys start your shopping. ;D you loooove me. hahah.)
  • Air Pennys II Mens Sz 6 (i saw these at footlocker after work one time, and i got my hopes up hella quick because they never have my size for shoes i want. hella slept on these. hella sad. if you find them... i loooove you forever. lol)
  • Air Max 90 Black and White Men Sz 6 or in varsity purple/white

add more later. class ending.